Matthew 6:16-24

Matthew 6:16-24

In verses 16 through 18 Jesus assumes that fasting is a part of the life of a disciple. As with prayers and alms giving the objective is God, not the praise of people. This passage is difficult. Sometimes it's difficult because of our pride and sometimes it's difficult because we love food. At every moment we can build plenty of excuses for food, low blood sugar for example, that allows us to make sure we have our daily treats. When do my appetites govern me? When I make excuses to satisfy them.

The attachment to material concerns and the priority of loyalty to God is the point of this passage. Treasures on Earth are not very secure. From vermin that can ruin to a housing market bubble that can burst, there are no fully secure treasures here on Earth. There are, however, no insecure treasures in Heaven. Nothing entrusted to God will ever be lost. This passage may refer first, but not exclusively, to alms giving. Wealth itself is not a problem; it is a loyalty to our wealth that is an issue. It does us no good to say I am loyal to God while at the same time we love our wealth. Our words can be cheap. Perhaps we should only keep that which we can walk away from. Not in theory, but in practice.

Our loyalty is what the fascinating verses 22 and 23 are all about. If we are able to have right perception concerning things then we are about to be generous. In contrast, the inability to see clearly the right priorities will lead us to love the wrong things and be selfish. There are varying degrees of darkness. No one is completely selfish though many come close and few are completely selfless, if there are any. Generosity and soundness of eye are clearly intertwined.

Growing amounts of possessions create growing temptations to be disloyal to God and instead we are tempted to be loyal to money. The danger may be less in the volume of our possessions than which direction possessions call us. When you get down to it my loyalty is dictated out of what I think, what I think I own, and what I think I have, and what I think I have accomplished. If we believe what we have is ours because of what we have done we tend to hold our things tightly. If my wealth is a gift from God I can more easily share it.

"Lord, in the midst of a highly materialistic and consumption based society give me clarity of sight so I can see if I am truly loyal to You. Grant to me Lord a heart of true repentance in all areas where I love you less than anything. AMEN."


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